Triple Text Translations

EURORDIS - European Organisation of Rare Diseases



"EURORDIS is a non-governmental patient-driven alliance of patient organisations and individuals active in the field of rare diseases, dedicated to improving the quality of life of all people living with rare diseases in Europe. It was founded in 1997; it is supported by its members and by the French Muscular Dystrophy Association (AFM), the European Commission, corporate foundations and the health industry."

Source: "EURORDIS - European Organisation of Rare Diseases." [Online] 04 December 2011. <>

I have been contributing volunteer translations to EURORDIS from English into German since I started trading as Triple Text Translations back in 2007. In 2011, EURORDIS approached me regarding the English to German translation of their newsletter. These translations were published monthly, apart from their summer break, but also on the EURORDIS website. I gladly accepted the task.

In May 2012 EURORDIS changed their monthly newsletter format to enews instead, plus the members' news twice a month and other members' communications. These translations are ready for publication and since mid-2019 done directly into the html distribution format.

Furthermore, in addition to translating comprehensive section of the EURORDIS website, for example sensitive patient stories, I regularly contributed during the time-sensitive preparation phase of several European Conferences on Rare Diseases & Orphan Products (ECRD), including website translations, press releases and practical information such as booking and accommodation.

I also translated RareBarometer communication messages regarding their surveys, such as survey invitations, descriptions and ultimately survey result summaries. The most recent on rare disease patients’ experience of COVID-19 back in April 2020.
Other survey topics included patient registries, off-label use of drugs, patient access to orphan drugs, patient involvement in research.

Apart from the eNews and Member News as well as the previous EURORDIS newsletter format, other specialist subjects and website sections included:











Rare2030 campaign translations and resulting Rare Barometer fact sheet
Press release - Rare2030 final recommendations
New webpages, including CEF Federation, Council of National Alliances (CNA), RareConnect, Volunteer Page, Our History, Rare Disease Week, Support EURORDIS, the Network of Parliamentary Advocates for Rare Diseases

Subtitling script for HTX video
Rare Barometer COVID-19 infographics & communication messages
Rare Barometer 2030 page, factsheet & campaign communications
European Conference on Rare Diseases & Orphan Products (ECRD) 2020 website & practical information
EURORDIS website translations – become a member, European, international, national and rare disease policies, network of parliamentary advocates, diagnosis, ERN, rare cancers, research, homepage text and menu, what is a rare disease, Find a patient organisation, Find info on your rare disease, Holistic Care, National Alliances, Newborn Screening, Rare Cancers

Rare Barometer H-Care Pilot Survey - website content & email communications
Rare2030 Foresight Study
Universal Health Coverage
Rare Disease Day
Subtitles for videos - testimonials Karlo, Lorena
Executive summary
Social policy papers
National plans
Position paper - holistic care for rare diseases
Factsheets CAB
Carpe diem - Noémie’s story of living with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Undiagnosed webpage & leaflet
Open Academy
New webpages CABs - Community Advisory Boards & Social policy and integrated care
RareConnect page
Find information webpage
Rare Disease policies - recommendations & milestones
Membership form & booklet
Membership meeting
Living with stories
Health Technology Assessment (HTA) - Press Release & Final Statement
Patient Organisations Joint Statement HTA Cooperation
ERNs - Recommendation for the integration of ERNs into National Health Systems
National Plans
European Conference on Rare Diseases & Orphan Products (ECRD) 2018 - Website & Press Release

ERNs guide & web section
Web section INNOVCare
Position Paper on Compassionate Use
Eurordis leaflet

European Year Campaign
Access to medicines
Volunteer translation for RareConnect - Chromosome 18

European Reference Networks

Compassionate Use website section

Data protection
Documentation on Transparency Directive

Cross border healthcare
Off-Label survey

English Original

Revision of the EU Clinical Trials Directive: Light at the end of the tunnel?
Sickle Cell Disease: a family affair

Belgium's National Plan for Rare Diseases
Rett Syndrome
EURORDIS - Training tools patient representatives

Rare Disease Day 2012
NET: Cancer in Camouflage
EURORDIS showcased at EU event

Huntington disease
RareConnect: Online Rare Disease Communities
Collecting real life experience from Centres of Expertise

Patient empowerment, pasta and tiramisu
VHL online patient community: leverage for mutual support
Discover the Dynamo Camp !
Debates on policy

Living with CDG: two stories, one shared hope
The EPIRARE project
Fighting rare blindness disorders - a researcher s perspective
Summer School 2011: from Strength to Strength

German Translation

Überarbeitung der EU-Richtlinie zu klinischen Studien: Licht am Ende des Tunnels?
Sichelzellenanämie: eine Familienangelegenheit

Belgiens nationaler Plan für seltene Krankheiten
Rett-Syndrom: Das größte Glück einer Mutter
EURORDIS-Weiterbildungsressourcen für Patientenvertreter

Tag der Seltene Krankheit
NET: Krebs in Tarnung
EURORDIS steht im Rampenlicht auf der EU-Veranstaltung

RareConnect eine Online-Gemeinschaft für seltene Krankheiten

Patientenstärkung, Pasta und Tiramisu
VHL online Patientengemeinschaft: Einfluss für gegenseitige Unterstützung
Das Dynamo Camp !
Mitreden in der Gesundheitspolitik

Ein Leben mit CDG: Zwei Geschichten, eine gemeinsame Hoffnung
Das EPIRARE-Projekt
Der Kampf gegen eine seltene Form der Erblindung aus der Sicht einer Forscherin
Sommerschule 2011: Proaktiv der Zukunft entgegen

Also here is an example of my previous English to German volunteer website content translations undertaken for EURORDIS: Finden Sie Informationen [Date online] 19 August 2009.

As well as an example of an online survey translation from English into German for Rasody: Anwendung zulassungsüberschreitender Arzneimittel [Date online] 20 February 2012.

And an example of a German to English translation for EURORDIS: Retinoblastoma - With ocular prosthesis, but without velvet gloves [Date online] 16 October 2012.

Customer Testimonial: EURORDIS - Rare Diseases Europe

"Peggy had extremely dependable timing, was accurate in her translations and adaptable to our needs in terms of software files as we changed and updated our processes for translation over the 10+ years she worked for us. Peggy showed interest in our subject matter, and assisted us as some of the health policy terms or references only existed in English. Peggy helped us to decide how and when to adapt these terms to German working with our German-native members and staff members to help perfect the translations and allow a wider group of patients to be accurately informed."
Lara Chappell, April 2022, Strategic Communications and Marketing Director, Head of Awareness, Public Engagement and Events

"As always, the high quality and punctuality of your work is greatly appreciated by all at EURORDIS. We couldn't do our work without you!"
Rhiannon Walls, May 2021

"Peggy has an extremely high level of attention to detail. She is thorough in her work, providing quality translations and adapting well to our technical needs to work directly into HTML files. She translates texts on a range of topics varying from technical healthcare policy to more general public subjects."
Eva Bearryman, September 2020, Senior Communications Manager at EURORDIS

"Peggy completed a large scale, technical translation for a European project. Leading on the translation and coordination of proofreading and reviewing the four manuals. The work delivered is simply super, delivered in a tight timeframe and to a very high technical standard! Peggy did a fantastic job and everyone was extremely pleased with the outcome.
A great piece of work, managed very professionally especially being patient as there was a number of revised versions."
Matt Johnson, August 2016, Healthcare & Research Director EURORDIS